随着生产力的发展,东西方交往的日趋频繁,不断更新着人们的思维和审美取向。社会生活中对艺术的需求愈来愈倾向于现代性、多样化和快节奏的自娱形式。这些因素的综合,使传统的讲究艺术功力与造诣的戏曲变得诸然,戏曲不再是唯一的雅俗共享的艺术形式,不再是茶坊酒肆中谈论的话题,而流行歌曲和狂歌劲舞却骤然雀起,戏曲的生存空间日趋狭小。 如何正视和认知现实,拓展戏曲的生存空间,是当今有识之士所面临和思考的问题。无须怨天尤人,也不可以无奈的心情徒叹“落花流水春去也”而枉自菲薄。古老的有悠久的历史根基的戏曲艺术,它深厚的
With the development of the productive forces, the exchanges between the East and the West have become more frequent and constantly renewing people’s thinking and aesthetic orientation. The demand for art in social life has tended to be more and more modern, diversified and fast-paced entertaining forms. The combination of these factors makes the traditional opera that focuses on artistic skill and attainments become all-encompassing. The opera is no longer the only art form shared by both the elegant and the popular. It is no longer a topic of conversation in Chaofang restaurants, but popular songs and songs Suddenly, the living space of the opera is becoming smaller and smaller. How to face up to and recognize the reality and expand the living space of the opera is the problem faced and thought by today’s insightful people. There is no need to complain about others, nor can I feel helpless sigh “falling flow spring also” in vain. The ancient drama has a long history of the basic art, it is deep