天地悠悠,乾坤更替。太钢走过了60年曲折坎坷、充满艰辛、同时又闪烁着胜利辉煌的历程。 60年,人类历史长河中的一瞬间。几代太钢人艰苦创业,昔日太原城北的一片荒草地上已经建成一座以生产板材为主的特大型钢铁联合企业,成为我国特大型十强钢铁企业之一,这里是国内最大的特殊钢基地、最大的不锈钢生产厂家、电磁纯铁的唯一批量生产厂家、模具钢的重要生产厂家。
The world is long, and the world is changing. Taigang has gone through 60 years of twists and turns, is full of hardships, and at the same time it is shining with victory and glory. 60 years, a moment in the long history of humanity. Several generations of Taiyuan’s people have been struggling with their pioneering efforts. In the past, a large-scale iron and steel conglomerate mainly consisting of production plates has been built on a barren meadow in the northern part of Taiyuan City. It has become one of the top ten iron and steel enterprises in China. It is the largest special steel base in China. The largest stainless steel manufacturer, the only mass manufacturer of electromagnetic pure iron, and an important manufacturer of die steel.