我们的比较法学者们应该考虑和研究些什么问题?其他国家的比较法学家们这些年来都考虑和研究了什么问题?这或许也是比较法学的题内之义吧? 此处将德国比较法学会1950年以来部分年会的贺词和该会2001年年会的议题译 出,或可与同仁一些有益的信息。
What issues should our comparative law scholars consider and study? What are the problems that comparative jurists in other countries have considered and studied over the years? This may also be more legal issues of justice, right? The message of the German Society of Comparative Law at some of the annual conferences since 1950 and the agenda of the 2001 annual meeting of the German Society for Comparative Law is translated here or there may be some useful information for colleagues.