Tom Dixon生于突尼斯,1963年移居英国。他在设计业内是一位传奇性的人物。组建过乐队,灵感创意也总是天马行空,从Icon焊接“S”椅到Jack灯,再至标志性的镜面系列灯具Mirror Ball、铜制灯具Copper Shade、翼背椅Wingback chair等,逐渐成为全球设计领域的杰出代表。他开设过“空间”(Space)门店,担任过Habitat的创意总监,2002年Tom Dixon同名品牌的成立,带给了他极高的人气。现今,伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆、纽约MOMA当代艺术博物馆、东京博物馆以及法国蓬皮杜艺术中心等都永久收藏他的作品。
Born in Tunisia, Tom Dixon emigrated to England in 1963. He is a legendary figure in the design industry. From the icon welding “S” chair to the Jack light, to the iconic mirror series Mirror Ball, the copper Shade, the Wingback chair, etc., it has gradually become the inspiration for the formation of the band. Outstanding representation in global design. He opened the “Space” store and served as creative director at Habitat. In 2002, Tom Dixon’s eponymous brand was very popular. His works are now permanently collected by the Victorian and Albert Museum in London, the MOMA Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, the Tokyo Museum and the Pompidou Center in France.