产业结构调整是西部开发的关键 ,是促进西部地区经济发展 ,提高经济增长质量和效益的根本措施。文章通过分析信息产业的特征 ,分别从改造传统产业、塑造信息农业、推动城镇化建设、催生新兴产业、带动信息服务业等多个方面探讨了信息产业在西部产业结构调整中的功能和作用。这对于西部区域经济协调发展具有重大的理论意义及实践价值
Industrial restructuring is the key to the development of the western region and is a fundamental measure to promote economic development in the western region and improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth. By analyzing the characteristics of the information industry, the article explores the function and function of the information industry in the industrial structure adjustment in the west from many aspects, such as transforming traditional industries, shaping information agriculture, promoting urbanization, spawning new industries and driving information services. This is of great theoretical and practical value for the coordinated development of the western region’s economy