面积:约84平方米(实用面积)间隔:二室一厅主角 vs 配角每一部电影、舞台剧或电视剧均有主角及配角,配角担起陪衬主角的任务,无论戏份、服饰、化妆等均不会比主角出众。古语有云:“牡丹虽好,也要绿叶扶持。”当设计师和笔者兴致勃勃地讨论本居所的设计特色时,也以角色轻重来比喻室内的装潢及陈设。他把墙壁、地板、窗帘等形容为配角,而主角则是一系列蕴含中、西特色的家具、摆设及油画。
Area: about 84 square meters (used area) Space: Two-room one-room protagonist vs supporting role Each movie, stage play or TV series has a protagonist and supporting role, supporting the role of supporting the protagonist, regardless of drama, clothing, makeup, etc. No better than the protagonist. The old saying goes: “Peony is good, but it is also supported by greenery.” When the designer and the author were happily discussing the design features of the home, they also used the role to compare the interior decoration and furnishings. He describes walls, floors, curtains, etc. as supporting actors, while the protagonist is a series of furniture, ornaments and paintings with Chinese and Western characteristics.