【摘 要】
What the litigation for requesting determination of non-infringement of IP right is all about The litigation for requesting determination of non-in- fringement
What the litigation for requesting determination of non-infringement of IP right is all about The litigation for requesting determination of non-in- fringement of an IP right refers to litigation for one to petition the people’s court to determine that his particular act does not infringe another person’s intellectual property right.The intellectual property right is a legitimate monopolising right capable of bringing tremendous economic benefits to the righhtholder.For this matter,some righhtholders,to keep others from competing with them,utilise the lawful monolisa-
What the litigation for IP right is all about The litigation for determination determination of non-in- fringement of an IP right refers to litigation for one to petition the people’s court to determine that his particular act does not infringe another person’s intellectual property right. The intellectual property right is a legitimate monopolising right capable of bringing tremendous economic benefits to the righhtholder. For this matter, some righhtholders, to keep others from competing with them, utilise the lawful monolisa-
远远望去,整个村庄像是用雪建的迷宫,白茫茫一片,草垛是迷宫的城堡,偶尔有几处被挖了两锨,露出枯黄的草。秋天的时候,村里的牧民将一车一车的牧草堆砌在房前屋后,搭起一个个草垛,整齐高大,像一座守护在家四周的城堡。冬天来临之后,草垛被一点一点挖去喂牛喂羊。几场雪之后,平时不怎么留心的村民才知道,村里不仅有牛羊,有马和骆驼,还有兔子,它们在雪后的草垛上留下了足印。 清晨,慵懒的太阳跳出地平线之后,整个村
In the daily management of the objec
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每个时代都有代表那个时代的思想,每个民族都有反映自己民族智慧的语言,其精华的集中体现自然就是劳动人民智慧的结晶——谚语。 1. One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天胜似两个明天。 2. One flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春。 3. One swallow does not make a summer. 一
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