说起现在的上海女生,很多男生首先想到的恐怕非“聪明”和“恐龙”二词莫属。的确,现在女生们的智商是越来越高了。以前常听大人说:小姑娘小学厉害,初中一般,高中就差了。进了“格致”(按:上海市市级重点中学之一), 才知道这句话大错特错——出类拔萃的女生简直可用“成群结队”来形容。每每翻开名次册,年级前几名总少不了女生的踪影。即便是在我念的化学竞赛辅导班这样的“高端”领域里,也有过半的女生在孜孜不倦。下课后重重围住讲台的,中午挤满办公室的,晚上挑灯夜战的,除了女生
Speaking of girls in Shanghai today, many boys are the first to think of non-“smart” and “dinosaurs”. Indeed, the IQ of girls is getting higher and higher. I used to listen to adults saying: Little girls are very poor in elementary school, but in junior high schools, they are poor in high school. Into the “Gezhi” (according to: one of Shanghai’s municipal key middle schools), only to know that this sentence is very wrong - the best girls can be described as “clusters.” Whenever you open a ranking book, you cannot miss the girls in the first few grades. Even in the “high-end” fields like chemistry class counseling classes I read, more than half of the girls are still tireless. After tying the rostrum after class, there was a crowded office at noon and a night light at night, except for girls.