为达到《浙江水利水电专科学校学报》“立足浙江、面向全国、迈向新世纪”和“立足专科、提高水平、走向本科”的目标 ,必须知已知彼 ,明确学报今后的定位、特色和办刊模式 ,为此 ,需要对该学报近年来的工作进行客观分析与总结 .经采用文献计量学方法对该学报 1999— 2 0 0 0年刊载论文和作者等状况进行统计分析 ,及与该刊 1987— 1998年统计数据的对比分析 ,可从一个侧面反映该校学科优势分布、教职工教学、科技水平以及学报自身发展状况 ,并通过与《南昌水专学报》和《黑龙江水专学报》等同类型学报的比较研究 ,提出了有关建议与措施 .同时也为该校科研管理、师资队伍建设等方面提供有价值的参考数据
In order to achieve the goal of “based on Zhejiang, facing the whole country and marching toward the new century” and “based on specialties, raising the level and going to undergraduate”, we must know ourselves, clarify the future orientation, characteristics and operation of the journal Therefore, we need to objectively analyze and summarize the work of this journal in recent years.Through the use of bibliometrics, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the papers and authors published in this journal from 1999 to 2000, The comparative analysis of statistical data from 1987 to 1998 can reflect the distribution of subject advantages, the teaching of teaching staff, the level of science and technology and the development of the journal itself from one aspect. Through the comparison with “Nanchang College of Water Science” and “Heilongjiang College of Water Science and Technology” Type of comparative study of the Journal, put forward the relevant recommendations and measures.At the same time also for the school scientific research management, faculty building and so on to provide valuable reference data