丝巾是服饰中永不凋零的时尚。丝巾的图案在高饱合度、高亮度的色彩运用下,实现了时尚简约与古典优雅的完美统一, 一条丝巾就是一种情绪,总在不经意间轻轻流露。每一次佩戴都有不同的感受。它已经成为一个不离不弃的朋友和一段栩栩如生的记忆。 你可以选择适当的色彩和系法肆意渲染或含蓄地掩饰自己的情绪。如果服饰与丝巾同属一个色系,会给人一种优雅、大方、稳重的印象,这样的搭配给人以舒适。愉悦、平和的视觉效果,是一种最稳妥的色彩搭配。如果你穿的衣服颜色较暗淡或较沉闷,建议你选用色彩与之对比强烈的丝巾,这样会显得比较出跳。性格奔
Scarves are never faded fashion apparel. Scarf patterns in high saturation, high brightness color use, to achieve the perfect combination of fashion and classical elegance, a scarf is a kind of emotion, always inadvertently gently revealed. Each wearing has a different feeling. It has become a relentless friend and a lifelong memory. You can choose the appropriate color and method to arbitrarily render or subtly mask their emotions. If the costumes and scarves belong to the same color, will give an elegant, generous, steady impression, such a combination gives comfort. Pleasant, peaceful visual effects, is one of the most secure color pairing. If you wear darker clothes or more dull, I suggest you use the color contrast with a strong scarf, it will appear more jump out. Ben ran