
来源 :中国免疫学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:msdnolduser1
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目的 :观察外周血淋巴细胞rDNA转录活性在人体疾病过程中的动态变化 ,探讨其对肿瘤诊断和治疗监测的意义。方法 :用图像分析系统分析 10 4例癌瘤、心肌梗死、心肌炎患者的外周血淋巴细胞AgNor银染强度 (用以表示rDNA转录活性 )。结果 :癌瘤、心肌梗死、心肌炎患者rDNA转录活性明显降低。癌瘤患者手术后比手术前rDNA转录活性明显降低 ,rDNA转录活性与癌组织DNA >5倍体值呈负相关。结论 :淋巴细胞rDNA转录活性是人体免疫反应的灵敏标志 ,具有广泛的临床应用价值。可作为肿瘤诊断和治疗监测的参考指标 ,但缺乏特异性。 Objective : To observe the dynamic changes of rDNA transcriptional activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes in human diseases and to explore its significance for tumor diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. METHODS: The silver staining intensity of AgNor in lymphocytes of peripheral blood of 104 patients with carcinoma, myocardial infarction, and myocarditis was analyzed by an image analysis system (used to indicate rDNA transcription activity). RESULTS: The rDNA transcription activity was significantly reduced in patients with carcinoma, myocardial infarction, and myocarditis. In patients with cancer, the transcriptional activity of rDNA was significantly lower than before surgery. The transcriptional activity of rDNA was negatively correlated with the DNA >5-fold value of cancer tissue. Conclusion: The transcriptional activity of lymphocyte rDNA is a sensitive marker of human immune response and has extensive clinical application value. Can be used as a reference indicator for tumor diagnosis and treatment monitoring, but lacks specificity.
教基〔2008〕11号  (2008年6月5日)    近日,我国南方一些地区暴雨成灾,造成人员伤亡,也威胁着中小学生的安全。同时,当前也是学生溺水事故的高发期,广西、湖南等地陆续发生了学生结伴在水库、江河戏水引发数名学生溺水死亡事故。  据气象部门预报,近期我国主要降雨区为江南地区南部、华南地区,降雨量将比常年同期偏多5成至1倍;华北、东北、黄淮等地局部地区将时有短时雷雨大风等强对流天气;地震灾