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通常鸟儿的洗澡方法,一是在水边拍打着翅膀,淋水沐浴;二是站立在树枝上,用嘴拨弄着羽毛;三是在泥沙堆里扇动羽翅,擦洗身子。令人稀奇和不可思议的是,喜鹊、鹦鹉、乌鸦、白头翁等鸟儿,它们在洗澡时,往往找一处蚁穴扒开,引出一群蚂蚁,自己便将两脚叉开,张开翅膀,双目似合非闭,任 Usually the bird’s bathing method, first, flapping wings at the water, showering; the second is standing on the branch, with his mouth fiddle with feathers; the third is to move the wings in the sand pile, scrub body. Surprisingly and incrediblely, birds like magpies, parrots, crows, Pulsatilla, etc., often find an ant’s nest to open when taking a bath. They lead out a group of ants, and they spread their legs and open their wings. The goal is similar to non-closed
1918年的春天,日本从美国引进龙虾作为饲养牛蛙的饵料,眨眼之间龙虾在日本得到大面积的繁衍和扩散。不管怎么说,那时的日本,各地水田遍布,到处是龙虾绝好的栖息之地。无论是清澈见底的湖水,还是污浊不堪的臭水沟,都可见到它的身影。  二战期间,龙虾从日本传入我国,经过长时间的扩展,种群数量不断增加,生存空间不断扩展,现在,已经成为我国淡水虾类中的重要资源,广泛分布于我国长江中下游各省市。龙虾的适应能力很