随着电子计算机技术和医学影像技术的快速发展 ,放射治疗已由常规放疗发展成为三维适形放疗。三维适形放疗技术大大改善了肿瘤靶区与周围正常组织和器官之间的剂量关系 ,且定位准确。我们应用三维适形放疗技术治疗局部复发性鼻咽癌2 5例 ,以探讨三维适形放射治疗的价值。1 材
With the rapid development of computer technology and medical imaging technology, radiation therapy has developed from conventional radiotherapy to three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy. Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy has greatly improved the dose relationship between the tumor target area and the surrounding normal tissues and organs, and the accurate positioning. We apply three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for the treatment of locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 25 cases to explore the value of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy. 1 material