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增长率将止于2%根据欧美主要金融机构对2003年世界经济的预测,世界经济的实际增长率将保持在2%。各银行一致认为,虽然日本经济继续处于萧条状态,但是中国等亚洲国家将继续保持增长势头,欧洲经济也将有所好转。但是,围绕作为焦点的美国经济,各银行的预测却存在分歧,今年的世界经济还面临着中东问题等波折。中韩将继续高增长根据摩根公司和瑞银行华宝有限公司等欧美5家代表性金融机构对今年的经济预测,世界各国的实际国内生产总值合计额预定比前一年增长2.2%-2.9%。信息技术泡沫破灭后,世界经济增长率在2001年急剧下滑(2.2%),并连续3年保持低增长。从国际货币基金组织获悉,1970年以后世界经济的平均增长率约为4%。对日本经济增长率的预测都集中在零。而中国为7%,韩国为4%左右,将继续保持强劲增长势头。受到世界股价下跌直接冲击的中国香港和新加坡这两个金融中心也“将恢复到3%-4%的增长”(摩根公司)。欧洲努刀促进经济增长欧元区 Growth rate will end at 2% According to the forecast of the world economy in 2003 by the major financial institutions in Europe and the United States, the real growth rate of the world economy will remain at 2%. Banks agreed that while Japan’s economy continues to be in a recession, Asian countries such as China will continue to maintain their growth momentum and the European economy will also see some improvement. However, around the focus on the U.S. economy, there are differences between the banks’ forecasts. This year’s world economy is also facing twists and turns in the Middle East. China and South Korea to Continue High Growth According to the economic forecasts this year for five representative financial institutions in Europe and the United States such as Morgan Stanley and UBS Warburg Co., the total real world GDP of all countries in the world is expected to increase by 2.2% -2.9% over the previous year %. After the information technology bubble burst, world economic growth dropped sharply in 2001 (2.2%) and remained low for three years in a row. It is learned from the International Monetary Fund that the average growth rate of the world economy after 1970 is about 4%. The forecast of Japan’s economic growth is concentrated at zero. While China is 7%, South Korea is about 4%, will continue to maintain strong growth momentum. Hong Kong and Singapore, the two financial centers that have been hit hard by the global share price, will also “recover to 3% -4% growth” (Morgan). European Knives to Promote Economic Growth in Eurozone
本文分析了93W-4.5Ni—2.5Fe合金旋锻及退火处理后,钨颗粒的再结晶特点及显微组织中钨颗粒呈不规则形貌的原因。 In this paper, the recrystallization characteristics of tungsten parti
模糊性是自然语言的基本属性 ,模糊语言普遍存在于言语交际中。因此 ,正确地认识模糊语言的科学概念 ,了解它的基本特性 ,对我们研究语言、使用语言具有重要意义。 Fuzzines
Y99-61795-97 0000389利用选择性外延 SiGe 异质结双极晶体管的7.7ps 的电流型逻辑电路=A7.7-ps CML using selective-epi-taxial[会,英]/Ohue,E.& Oda,K.//1998 IEEEBipola
本文介绍了一种基于PC总线的激光切割控制系统,较详细地介绍了控制系统的硬件构成和软件设计思想,经实际运行证明,该系统具有较高的可靠性。 This paper introduces a PC bu
本文以阜康市图书馆为例,阐述了“共享工程”的出现对促进基层图书馆服务方式的转变、文献信息资源的丰富、服务内容的拓展及基层图书馆服务网络的完善起到的积极作用。 Tak
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