Soil bacterial characteristics between surface and subsurface soils along a precipitation gradient i

来源 :干旱区科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:element_li
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Bacteria in desert soil have unique phylogeny and important ecological functions, and their responses to changes in precipitation need further attention. However, relevant studies have mainly focused on the surface soil, and studies on the responses of bacteria at different soil depths to variations in precipitation are rare. Thus, we used 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing to investigate the changes in soil bacterial distribution along a mean annual precipitation gradient (50–150 mm) in the Alxa Desert, China, and compared the variation characteristics in the surface soil layer (0–10 cm) and subsurface soil layer (10–20 cm). Results showed that soil bacterial communities significantly changed along the precipitation gradient in both soil layers. However, the subsurface soil layer could support bacterial communities with higher diversity and closer internal relationships but more internal competition than the surface soil layer. Additionally, compared with the surface soil layer, variations in diversity and co-occurrence patterns in the subsurface soil layer were more in line with the changes in the mean annual precipitation, while bacterial community structure was less variable in the subsurface soil layer. Compared with the mean annual precipitation, soil moisture had little influence on the structure and diversity of soil bacterial community but had a high correlation with intercommunity connectivity. Therefore, soil moisture might play a complex role in mediating environmental conditions and soil bacterial community characteristics. Due to the different responses of surface and subsurface soil bacteria to the changes in precipitation, it is necessary to distinguish different soil layers when predicting the trends in desert soil bacterial conditions associated with precipitation, and prediction of subsurface soil bacteria may be more accurate.
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目的研究A组P[15]型轮状病毒VP8*蛋白的多糖结合特异性。方法利用大肠杆菌表达系统制备A组P[15]型牛轮状病毒毒株的VP8*蛋白,通过寡糖结合实验、生物膜层干涉实验及血凝等方法研究其与不同糖的结合。结果A组P[15]型牛轮状病毒VP8*蛋白结合Neu5Ac和Neu5Gc唾液酸,与α2, 3和α2, 6方式连接的唾液酸糖也有较好的结合。此外,P[15] VP8*蛋白可以凝集人和动物的红细胞。结