目前对系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的治疗效果尚不够理想,我们采用中药治疗,收效较满意,现将资料较完整的10例简结于下,供同道参考,望给予指正。一、辩证施治:本组病例的共同原因为血瘀,故以血瘀方为基础进行加减。血瘀方:当归30克、川芎15克、丹参30克、郁金15克、鸡血藤30克、红花10克、赤芍30克。随症加减如下: (一)热性血瘀 1.阴虚方:血瘀方加元参30克、丹皮15克、双花30克、连壳15克、生熟地各30克。 2.湿热方:阴虚方加霍香15克、木通10克。 3.毒热方:阴虚方加柴胡30克、葛根30克、生石膏15克、半支莲15克、败酱草30克、旱莲草15克,红斑加蛇床子12克、麻黄4克。
At present, the therapeutic effect on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is not satisfactory. We adopt traditional Chinese medicine to treat it, and the results are satisfactory. We now summarize the 10 cases with relatively complete data for reference and hope to give corrections. First, the dialectical treatment: The common cause of this group of cases is blood stasis, so the addition and subtraction are based on blood stasis. Blood stasis side: angelica 30 grams, Chuanxiong 15 grams, 30 grams of Salvia, turmeric 15 grams, 30 grams of Millettia, safflower 10 grams, 30 grams of red peony. Addition and subtraction with the disease are as follows: (A) hot blood stasis 1. Yin Decoction: blood stasis plus element 30 grams, Dan 15 grams, double flower 30 grams, with shell 15 grams, raw and cooked to 30 grams each. 2. Hot and humid side: Yin Decoction plus filigree 15 grams, 10 grams of wood pass. 3 toxic heat side: Yin Decoction plus Bupleurum 30 grams, 30 grams of Pueraria, gypsum 15 grams, 15 grams of half-branch, Patrinia 30 grams, Eclipta prostrata 15 grams, erythema plus Cnidium 12 grams, Ephedra 4 Grams.