Since the Opium War of the 1840s in China, China began to transform itself from a traditional society to a modern one under the bullying and abuse of Western powers. The outbreak of the 1911 Revolution finally overthrew the feudal autocratic system in China for thousands of years and established a bourgeois republic. China has achieved its transformation from tradition to modern times on the national body. However, the concept of a democratic republic did not penetrate deeply into people’s minds, and the majority of the people are still in a state of feudal obscurantism. With the turbulent evolution of the political situation in China and the enlightenment and propaganda of the new cultural movement, the political awareness of the general public has been gradually raised. During the May Fourth Movement, the political psychology of the people brought a strong democratic sense. This “path of ever-increasing democratization” eventually leads to a democratic revolution that will push forward the political modernization of China. "Therefore, exploring this process of change in the political psychology of the people helps us to summarize China’s historical experience in the process of political modernization, There is a positive reference for building the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics.