Developing a Knock Predictive Criterion in Spark Ignition Engines Fuelled with Gaseous Fuels

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaoyuemengxiang2009
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Consideration of the chemical reaction activity of the end gas in a spark ignition and operating conditionsare combined to predict the onset of knock and associated performance in an engine fuelled withmethane.A two-zone predictive combustion model was developed based on an estimate of the efiFectiveduration of the combustion period and the mass burning rate for any set of operating conditions.Theunburned end gas preignition chemical reaction activity is described by a detailed chemical reactionkinetic scheme for methane and air.The variation with time of the value of a formulated dimensionlessknock parameter(k)is calculated.It is shown that whenever knocking is encountered,the value of“k”builds up to a sufficiently high value that exceeds a critical value.Under normal operating conditions,the value of“k”remains throughout the whole combustion period at comparatively very low levels.It is shown that the model and the use of this knock criterion“k”produce results that are in goodagreement with experiment. Consideration of the chemical reaction activity of the end gas in a spark ignition and operating conditionsare combined to predict the onset of knock and associated performance in an engine fuelled with methane. A two-zone predictive combustion model was developed based on an estimate of the efiFectiveduration of the combustion period and the mass burning rate for any set of operating conditions. the bunched end gas preignition chemical reaction activity is described by a detailed chemical reaction schemeine for methane and air. the variation with time of the value of a formulated dimensionlessknock parameter (k) is calculated. It is shown that Whenever knocking is encountered, the value of “k ” builds up to a elevated high value that exceeds a critical value. Un normal operating conditions, the value of “k ” remains throughout the whole combustion period at comparatively very low levels. It is shown that the model and the use of this knock criterion “k ” produce results that are in gooda greement with experiment.
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