在动物王国中 ,圆圆胖胖的大熊猫 ,以其憨态可掬而备受人们的青睐。在科学研究上 ,他具有很高的科研价值 ,是动物世界里古代哺乳动物“活化石”。在国际市场上 ,不论你出多少价钱就是见不到它的影子 ,真正称得上是无价之宝。大熊猫之珍贵自不待言。如今 ,在植物王国里有一种足?
In the animal kingdom, the fat, giant panda is favored by people for its naivete. In scientific research, he has a high scientific value, is the animal world ancient mammals “living fossils.” In the international market, no matter how much your price is to see the shadow of it, really can not be regarded as priceless treasure. Giant panda’s precious to mention. Now, there is a kind of foot in the plant kingdom?