目的比较两种血液检测模式下核酸检测试剂有效利用率。方法统计本实验室2013年度执行与血液批放行设置对应的检测批于48 h内完成检测(模式1)和2015年度执行血液隔离放行“循环满架”72 h内完成检测(模式2)两个阶段的核酸试剂使用情况,比较两种模式下核酸试剂有效利用率。结果模式2试剂总有效利用率为87.70%,显著高于模式1的81.72%(χ~2=34.734,P<0.05);模式2的混检阳性拆分单检试剂有效利用率为78.06%,高于模式1的70.86%(χ2=66.635,P<0.05)。结论模式2的核酸试剂有效利用率较高,混检后阳性拆分是影响试剂有效利用率的主要原因,模式2适用于本站血液检测批放行。
Objective To compare the effective utilization of nucleic acid detection reagents in two blood test modes. Methods Statistics: The test batch for the 2013 implementation of the laboratory and the blood bank setting was completed within 48 h (mode 1) and 2015 (within 2 h) Two stages of nucleic acid reagent usage, comparing the two modes of effective utilization of nucleic acid reagents. Results The total effective utilization rate of mode 2 reagent was 87.70%, significantly higher than that of mode 1 81.72% (χ ~ 2 = 34.734, P <0.05). The effective utilization rate of mode 2 was 78.06% Higher than 70.86% of model 1 (χ2 = 66.635, P <0.05). Conclusion The effective utilization rate of nucleic acid reagent of mode 2 is high, and the positive resolution after mixed testing is the main reason that affects the effective utilization rate of reagent. Mode 2 is suitable for the blood test and approval of this site.