4月29日,俄新社报道,俄罗斯国防部正在阿赫图宾斯克飞行测试中心测试“联合40”(United 40)无人机。消息一出,原本习以为常的一件事在地区局势日益紧张的背景下立即引起了外界的关注。这种中空长航时无人机由阿拉伯联合酋长国(以下简称阿联酋)ADCOM公司自主研制,采用了非常规气动布局,颠覆了传统飞行器的设计理念,具备超长的续航能力,不仅可执行空中侦察和监视任务,同时可根据需要实施对地打击任务。
On April 29, the agency said Russia’s Defense Ministry is testing “United 40” unmanned aerial vehicles at the Akhbinsk flight test center. As soon as the news came out, what was once routine was immediately aroused the attention of the outside world in the increasingly tense situation in the region. This long-range, long-haul UAV was independently developed by the United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as the United Arab Emirates) ADCOM company, using unconventional aerodynamic layout, subverting the traditional concept of aircraft design, with long battery life, not only the implementation of air reconnaissance And surveillance tasks, at the same time according to the need to implement the task of cracking down on the ground.