打黑难 难就难在黑白不分——黑恶势力“保护伞”面面观

来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:matlab_walker
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湖南省公安机关积极开展“打黑除恶”专项斗争,在摧毁一批人民群众反映强烈的重大涉黑涉恶犯罪团伙的同时,查处了一批涉黑涉恶犯罪团伙的“后台”、“保护伞”,有力地打击了黑恶势力疯狂作案的嚣张气焰,得到了党委、政府的充分肯定和人民群众的交口称赞。“打黑除恶”专项斗争的实践证明,黑恶势力之所以形成并逐步坐大,长时间难以打掉,关键是有“保护伞”的庇护。“保护伞”的认定以及类型“保护伞”实际上是指支持、纵容和包庇黑恶势力的滋长、蔓延和坐大并逃避法律惩处,需要追究其法律或纪律责任的国家机关工作人员。这些人往往利用自己的权力和便利,使黑恶犯罪分子逃避公安司法机关侦查、查禁、指控、起诉、审判。他们为其通风报信,隐匿、毁灭、伪造证据;或者阻止他人作证、检举揭发,甚至指使他人作伪证;或者帮助黑恶犯罪分子逃匿;或者阻挠、干扰其他国家机关工作人员依法查禁; The public security organs in Hunan Province actively carried out the special campaign of “cracking down the evil and eliminating evil.” While destroying a number of major criminal gangs involved in blackmail and involving the people, they also investigated and dealt with a number of “backstage” and “umbrella ”And effectively cracked down on the arrogance of the criminal acts of evil and evil forces. It has been fully affirmed by the party committees and governments and the people’s praise at the crossroads. The practice in the special campaign to “crack down on evil and eliminate evil” proves that the key reason for the formation of the evil forces and their gradual occupation of a large scale and the hard time being destroyed is the protection of “umbrella”. The definition of “umbrella” and the type of “umbrella” actually refer to the staff of state organs that support, connive at and harbor the growth of the evil forces, spread and sit up and evade legal punishment, and hold their legal or disciplinary responsibilities under account. These people often make use of their power and convenience so that criminals of evil and evil will evade the investigation, banning, prosecution, prosecution and trial of public security and judicial organs. They also serve to silence, insulate and destroy the evidence of others, or prevent others from testifying, exposing or even exposing others to perjury; or helping the criminal criminals to escape;
国际世界已进入知识经济时代 ,高质量的人才 ,国民的综合素质是一个国家在 2 1世纪能否具有国际竞争力 ,能否进行良性发展的关键。所以世界各国 ,特别是发达国家 ,如美国、日