The Tangshan earthquake that occurred in 1976 and the pier structures in the Tanggu Newport area caused various degrees of earthquake damage. Among them, fork piles and fork pile caps were the most common and serious. To mitigate this damage, it is recommended that the top node of the fork pile be changed to a friction or friction-damping node. The specific method is to embed a steel plate slightly larger than the contact surface on the contact surface of the fork pile cap with the upper cross beam. When pouring the upper beam, a cement bag paper or a plastic film shall be laid on the pile cap to separate the two. Open, forming a friction surface. The friction surface should be made flat and must not have obvious unevenness. At this point the upper piling simply rests on the fork pile cap without any other connection. In an earthquake, when the seismic force sustained by the upper pile platform does not exceed the friction between the pile platform and the pile cap, the pile cap and the upper beam correspond to articulation; when the friction force is exceeded, the pile cap and the upper pile platform will generate relative forces. Slide, the seismic force no longer increases. In layman’s terms, it is equivalent to placing a “force limit valve” on the upper surface of the most fork pile cap to protect the main structure from damage. The structure diagram is shown in Figure 1.