2004-05赛季锐步高中男子篮球联赛已于2004年12月21日在广州拉开序幕。北京和上海赛区的常规赛将在2005年3月、4月相继登场。“This Is My Game!”(这就是我的联赛!)是这个赛季的口号,这表达了青少年强烈的运动参与和自主意识,也体现了锐步这个品牌简单、有力的运动精神。由锐步公司赞助的锐步高中篮球联赛旨在尽心尽力支持中国青少年篮球事业的发展,为中国的年轻球员们提供一个学习真正的篮球技战术的绝佳机会。参加首届锐步高中篮球联赛的部分优秀球员,在赛季中有幸得到了 NBA明星球员姚明史蒂夫·弗朗西斯佩贾·斯托贾科维奇
2004-05 season Reebok High School Men’s Basketball League has been December 21, 2004 kicked off in Guangzhou. Beijing and Shanghai Division of the regular season will be March 2005, April have debut. This slogan of this season, which expresses the strong sports participation and self-awareness of young people, also reflects the simple and vigorous spirit of the brand of Reebok. The Reebok High School Basketball League, sponsored by Reebok, is dedicated to supporting the development of Chinese youth basketball and providing young Chinese players an excellent opportunity to learn real basketball skills and tactics. Some outstanding players who participated in the first Reebok High School Basketball League got the honor of NBA star Yao Ming Steve Francis Peja Stojakovic