一路上,王永欢的心一直紧紧地揪着,脑海中像开了锅,各种怀疑的念头一个接一个。也难怪,他从几千里外的山东威海跑到长春,就为寻找一个致富项目。虽然报刊上说的这好那好,可现今骗人的那么多,谁知是真是假?若是假的,这一路的辛苦劳累、几百元花费不说。堂堂男子汉要闯致富路的愿望,不又落空了吗? 王永欢一出长春站,就给公司打了电话。真不错,一个圆圆脸的男子开车接站来了。原来,他就是公司经理赵德方。看着他那朴实厚道的面相,王永欢心中有了些许安慰。可他深知,骗子的表面都是诚实可信
Along the way, Wang Yong Huan’s heart has been pulling tightly, my mind like a pan, all kinds of doubts about the idea one after another. No wonder, he went thousands of miles away from Weihai, Shandong Changchun, in search of a wealthy project. Although the press said that this is good, but now so many lie, who knows is true or false? If it is fake, this way of hard work, a few hundred dollars do not say. Dignified man want to break into the rich road desire, do not fall yet? Wang Yong Huan a Changchun station, gave the company a call. Really nice, a round face man driving a car to come. It turned out he is Zhao Defang manager. Looking at his simple and honest face, Wang Yong Huan had a little comfort in mind. But he knows that the surface of a liar is honest and credible