
来源 :中华消化内镜杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackfairy
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目的初步探讨食管静脉曲张内镜气囊测压的临床价值。方法采用Treier公司生产的食管曲张静脉测压仪(EVM),由2名操作者分别对26名肝硬化食管静脉曲张患者进行食管曲张静脉测压,同时测定相应的肝功能指标。结果26名患者中23名测压成功,无副反应;测量值变异系数为7.18%±2.64%;两操作者之间测压值呈显著相关性(r=0.835P<0.001);有红色征和(或)有曲张静脉出血史者测压值明显升高(P<0.01);曲张静脉压力与曲张静脉直径、Child-Pugh分级之间无明显相关性。结论内镜气囊测压技术无创伤,安全,无副反应,简便易行,重复性较好,对预测曲张静脉出血风险及药物降压疗效的评估有一定的临床价值。 Objective To investigate the clinical value of esophageal varices endoscopy balloon pressure measurement. Methods The esophageal varicocele (EVM) manufactured by Treier Company was used to perform esophageal varicose vein pressure measurement on 26 cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices by two operators. The corresponding liver function indexes were also measured. Results Twenty-three of the 26 patients had successful manometry with no side effects. The coefficient of variation (CV) was 7.18% ± 2.64%. There was a significant correlation between the two manometers (r = 0.835P <0 (P <0.01). There was no significant correlation between variceal pressure and varicose vein diameter and Child-Pugh grading. Conclusions Endoscopic balloon pressure-measuring technique is noninvasive, safe and free from side effects. It is simple and easy to perform and has good repeatability. It is of certain clinical value in predicting the risk of variceal bleeding and drug curative effect.
1月21日 晴   双休日在不知不觉中又结束了,又到了上学的日子了,尽管有些不想去,但这毕竟是学生的职责。   这次由姥姥亲自送我去上学,心情自然有点激动。姥姥个头不高,但却很瘦,头发也已泛白,黝黑的皮肤让人一看便觉得是一位朴实的农民。   这一天,蹒跚的奶奶和稚气的我早早的便走到了路上等车。可天公不作美,不一会儿,天上便下起了雨。雨很温柔,不急,但却足以打湿人们的衣服。   姥姥皱了皱眉头说:“