北京市绿色食用农产品安全生产体系中的 98个基地已全面启动。据北京市农委种植业管理处介绍 ,争取到 2 0 0 1年 5月份初步达到使用化肥、农药、添加剂、兽药等的使用要求和允许使用化肥、农药、添加剂、兽药等的规范操作 ,初步实现农产品达标生产 ,最终做到全面禁止销售和使用
98 bases in Beijing’s green edible agricultural product safety production system have been fully launched. According to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Agronomy Planting Management introduced in May 2001 to reach the initial use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, additives, veterinary drugs, etc. and to allow the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, additives, veterinary drugs and other norms of operation, preliminary Achieve the production of agricultural products standards, and ultimately do a full ban on sales and use