2008年,注定是不平凡的一年,伴随全球金融危机而来的地产深冬,沉寂而迷茫。如何让中国房地产走出危局与困境?如何树立购房人对楼市的信心?在这样一个关键时刻,谁来引领大家共同走出困境,挑战机遇?谁能凝聚全部地产商的力量? 2009年1月4日,在北京人民大会堂,第六届地产年度风云榜与思辩盛典顺势而出,承载着万众瞩目的期待和关注勇敢扛起“促进理性地产,承担社会责任”的旗帜演绎一场关乎责任的盛宴,成就一次不可缺席的地产奥斯卡。让风云榜告诉大家,以地产的理性发展拉动内需,支持国家经济的可持续稳定发展,是今天每个地产人的责任,也是对于和谐社会的最大贡献!让我们携手同行,共寻冬日暖阳。
2008 is destined to be an extraordinary year. The real estate coming from the global financial crisis is deep and quiet and confused. How to make the Chinese real estate out of the crisis and the predicament? How to build buyers confidence in the property market? At such a critical juncture, who lead us out of the woods to challenge the opportunities? Who can unite the strength of all real estate? January 4, 2009 In the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the Sixth Real Estate Annual Billboard and Meditation Festival took the lead with the much anticipated attention and attention paid to bravely carrying the banner of “Promoting Rational Real Estate and Assuming Social Responsibility” Feast, the achievement of an indispensable real estate Oscars. Let the Billboard tell everyone that stimulating domestic demand with the rational development of real estate and supporting the sustainable and stable development of the national economy are the responsibility of every real estate man and the greatest contribution to a harmonious society today! Let us work together for a wintertime warm sun .