The history teaching method is a young science. The history of the Soviet Union once discussed the content and structure of the historical teaching method. Many historical teaching method experts have published their thesis on the “school history teaching”, which is more important than ever. There are: Karl Caofu: “On the task and content of the history teaching method ” (No. 4 of 1954), Antrey Yevski: “On the task, object and Structure ”(No. 6 of 1954), Youngko Tretnitzskaya: “The content and structure of the history teaching method textbook” (No. 3 of 1955), Bell Nadsky: “On the Two Major Tasks of the Theory of Historical Teaching” (No. 4 of 1955), A. Cohen: “On the Content and System of the History Teaching Method” (" (No. 6 of 1956). From the above thesis, the experts of the Soviet Union’s general history teaching method are basically consistent in their views on certain issues. If the historical teaching method is one of the pedagogical methods, it belongs to A science in education science system. Another example is history