战旗 TV:战旗TV高度重视,坚决支持文化部关于进一步规范网络文化市场经营秩序、创造良好的网络文化环境的行动部署,积极配合主管部门开展各项工作。战旗TV倡导建设积极、健康的网络环境。目前,直播行业尚处于培育期,在整个行业快速发展的同时,对于当前行业发展中还存在的部分不规范行为和问题,战旗TV也将立即展开自查自纠,进一步规范管理,切
War banner TV: War banner TV attaches great importance to resolutely support the Ministry of Culture on the further standardize the online cultural market management order and create a good network of cultural environment for action deployment and actively cooperate with the competent departments to carry out the work. Battle flag TV advocates building a positive and healthy network environment. At present, the live broadcast industry is still in the incubation period. While the rapid development of the industry as a whole, some non-standard behaviors and problems that still exist in the development of the current industry, the flag TV will immediately start self-examination and self-correction to further standardize management and cut