
来源 :布依学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwen_fly
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一、正视少数民族地区扶贫中存在的不公平现象自1986年国家开始有计划地进行扶贫开发,特别是“八七”扶贫攻坚计划实施以来,少数民族地区和全国其它地区一样在经济上取得了历史上前所未有的大发展。但是,我们应当看到,随着经济的市场化,尽管中央一再强调必须高度重视少数民族地区的贫困问题,但在客观上仍然存在着不公平现象。 I. Faced the Uneven Phenomenon in Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Minority Areas Since the state began to carry out planned poverty alleviation and development in 1986, especially since the “August 17” Poverty Alleviation Project was implemented, ethnic minority areas are as economically as the rest of the country Achieved unprecedented development in history. However, we should see that with the marketization of economy, although the Central Government has repeatedly stressed the importance of paying great attention to the issue of poverty in minority areas, there is still an objective inequity.