过年总要吃上一顿,不管是从前还是现在,也不管是穷人还是富户,古往今来,这个传统习惯好像一直没有改变过。“吃一顿”的时间也大都一样,大年三十和正月初一,这两天吃的最丰盛。在广西灵山县丰塘镇一带,这个习惯却有了些变化,或者说,他们在“吃”的时间和方法上与别的地方不同。 “炮期”,才是他们真正的过年。 因为有“炮”,所以叫“炮期”,而“炮期”则不仅仅有“炮”。这是一个类似于赶圩的日子,正月里,每一条村都定好一个属于自
The Chinese New Year always have to eat a meal, whether before or now, nor whether it is the poor or the rich, since ancient times, this tradition seems to have not changed. “Eat meal” are mostly the same time, New Year’s Eve and the first day of the first month, the most abundant of these two days to eat. In the area of Fengtang Town, Lingshan County, Guangxi, there has been some change in this habit, or in other words, they differ from other places in the time and method of “eating.” “Gun period” is their real New Year. Because of the “gun”, so called “gun period”, and “gun period” is not just “gun.” This is a day similar to catch Wei, the first month, each village is set a good