Calcium in beads and embryo sacs before and after pollination of Brassica napus L. was ultra-cytochemically localized with pyroantimonate precipitation. X-ray energy spectrum microanalysis (EDXA) shows that the precipitation obtained by the former method is indeed calcium pyroantimonate. At the same time, the image processing system was used to quantitatively analyze the body density and size of calcium precipitates in the embryo sac member cells. The results showed that the calcium deposition in the outer and inner beads was significantly more than that in other parts of the bead before and after pollination. Calcium was mainly distributed in the apoplast system such as the cell wall and the intercellular matrix. Before the pollination, both of the two helper cells contained more calcium deposits than other cells, about 2.5 times that of the egg cells and 1.9 times that of the central cells. However, the diameters of the precipitated particles were only about 2/3 of them. The most abundant sites in helper cells are the filamentous organs and the nucleus. After pollination, one pair of sister helper cells were significantly degraded, calcium content was significantly increased, about 2 4 times before pollination; calcium particles significantly reduced, less than 1/3 before pollination. The relationship between the distribution of calcium and the cell degeneration and its function is discussed.