樱桃番茄又名迷你番茄、微型番茄,是普通番茄的一个变种。樱桃番茄含有丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素C,成熟果实含糖量高达7%~10%,风味独特,在医疗保健上也有重要作用。樱桃番茄果实小,单果重10~20 g,植株生长势强,结果多,每株结果 400~500个,可生吃、煮食,还可加工成番茄酱、番茄汁和番茄罐头。
Cherry tomatoes, also known as mini tomatoes, mini tomatoes, is a common variant of tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are rich in carotene and vitamin C, mature fruit sugar content as high as 7% to 10%, unique flavor, also has an important role in health care. Cherry tomato fruit is small, fruit weight 10 ~ 20 g, plant growth potential strong, the results of more than 400 to 500 per plant results, can be eaten raw, cooking, but also processed into tomato sauce, tomato sauce and canned tomatoes.