Determination of contact force at facet joint with different sagittal orientation under shearing loa

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[目的]探讨腰椎活动节段关节突矢状方向对关节接触力和接触部位的作用和意义.[方法] 采用一种有效的CAD方法精确构建三种关节突矢状方向的三维腰椎L4、5活动节段有限元模型.剪力载荷下,分别对3种有限元模型的关节突接触力和接触部位进行测试.[结果]前剪载荷条件下,关节突接触力随关节突矢状方向角度的增加而减小;后剪载荷下,关节突接触力随关节突矢状方向角度的增加而增大.前剪和后剪载荷条件下,关节突接触力的矢状和水平分力均随关节突矢状方向角度的减小而增大.相同载荷条件下,不同矢状方向的关节突其接触部位相同.[结论]与矢状型关节突相比,冠状型关节突的空间方向和形态结构对抵抗关节突水平和矢状方向的运动更加有效;前剪载荷较后剪载荷在促进冠状型关节突退变方面起着更为突出的作用.“,”[Objective] The efleet of sagittal orientations of articular facet on the contact force and contact regions of a lumbar spine segment was evaluated.[Methods] [Results]Three-dimensional geometrical and mechanical accurate finite element models of the lumbar L4、5 motion segment representing three sagittal-orientations articular facet were generated and invalidated by an effective CAD method.Contact force and contact regions of the articular facets of three finite element models were predicted under the pure shearing loads.[Result] Under anterior shear condition,the contact force on the facet decreased with the increase of sagittal 0rientation of articular posterior shear load,the contact force on the facet increased with the increase of sagittal orientation.Meanwhile,under both pure shear loading,the percentages of the sagittal and the transversal components are increased with the dectease of the sagittal angle.However,under the salne load condition,there are no difference between the contact regions of the three models with different facet joint angle.[Conclusion]The spatial orientation and geometric forms of the coronal facet articular surfaces are more effective in restricting motion in transversal and sagittal planes while assuming a minor role in resisting axial force or motion than sagittal facet articular surface.It Was presumed that anterior shear force play a more prominent contribution on the degeneration of the facet joint with coronal articular surface compared with posterior shear force.
目的 探讨不同治疗手段对外伤性脾破裂的治疗效果.方法 对外伤性脾破裂106例分别采用非手术治疗、脾裂伤缝合、脾切除加脾组织移植、单纯脾切除等方法,观察其临床治疗效果.结果 非手术治疗5例痊愈出院,手术治愈93例,死亡8例.结论 不同治疗方法各有其特有的适应证,只要把握准确均能获得满意疗效。
目的 了解高龄产妇的围产期妊娠情况.方法 采用回顾性对比的方法,收集高龄产妇200例(观察组)和非高龄产妇100例(对照组)临床资料,比较分析胎盘前置、胎膜早破、胎儿窘迫、胆汁淤积症、胎儿窒息、胎儿畸形、死胎、产后出血、妊娠期高血压疾病、妊娠期心脏病发作、妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠期贫血的发生率.结果 高龄产妇的胎盘前置、胎膜早破、胎儿窘迫、胆汁淤积症、胎儿窒息、胎儿畸形、死胎、产后出血、妊娠期 高血压疾
目的 探讨高钠血症对颅脑损伤危重症患者预后的影响.方法 对580例颅脑损伤危重症患者进行生化检查,以血钠≥150 mmol/L(高钠血症)分组,高钠血症组67例,非高钠血症组513例,对其临床资料进行分析,并动态评估急性生理和慢性健康Ⅱ分值(APACHEⅡ).结果 颅脑损伤危重症患者最易发生高钠血症的多为多发伤、并多伴发败血症、糖尿病和重症肺炎.最常见的诱因:脱水剂治疗、高热、饮食、补液量不足、补
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