Effects of Enriched Biochars Containing Magnetic Iron Nanoparticles on Mycorrhizal Colonisation,Plan

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At present, there is little commercial sale of biochar, since farmers find they can not gain a return on their investment in this amendment in the first few years after its application, because of the high cost associated with large application rates. To overcome this constraint, development of artificially aged enriched biochar-mineral complexes(BMCs), having a higher mineral content, surface functionality, exchangeable cations, high concentration of magnetic iron(Fe) nanoparticles, and higher water-extractable organic compounds has been undertaken by a combined team of researchers and a commercial company. Two biochars produced under different pyrolysis conditions were activated with a phosphoric acid treatment. A mixture of clay, chicken litter, and minerals were added to the biochar, and then this composite was torrefied at either 180 or 220?C. In this study a pot experiment was carried out in glasshouse conditions to determine the effects of four different BMCs, with different formulations applied at rates of 100 and 200 kg ha-1, on the mycorrhizal colonisation, wheat growth and nutrient uptake, and soil quality improvement. It was found that the phosphorus(P) and nitrogen uptake in wheat shoots were significantly greater for a low application rate of BMCs(100 kg ha-1). The present formulation of BMC was effective in enhancing growth of wheat at low application rate(100 kg ha-1). The increase in growth appeared due to an increase in P uptake in the plants that could be partly attributed to an increase in mycorrhizal colonisation and partly due to the properties of the BMC. At present, there is little commercial sale of biochar, since farmers find they can not gain a return on their investment in this amendment in the first few years after its application, because of the high cost associated with large application rates. To overcome this constraint , development of artificially aged enriched biochar-mineral complexes (BMCs), having a higher mineral content, surface functionality, exchangeable cations, high concentration of magnetic iron (Fe) nanoparticles, and higher water-extractable organic compounds has been introduced by a combined team of researchers and a commercial company. Two biochars produced under different pyrolysis conditions were activated with a phosphoric acid treatment. A mixture of clay, chicken litter, and minerals were added to the biochar, and then this composite was torrefied at either 180 or 220? C. In this study a pot experiment was carried out in glasshouse conditions to determine the effects of four different BMCs, with different for mulations applied at rates of 100 and 200 kg ha-1, on the mycorrhizal colonization, wheat growth and nutrient uptake, and soil quality improvement. It was found that the phosphorus (P) and nitrogen uptake in wheat shoots were significantly greater for a low application rate of BMCs (100 kg ha-1). The present formulation of BMC was effective in enhancing growth of wheat at low application rate (100 kg ha-1). The increase in growth had due to an increase in P uptake in the plants that could be partly attributed to an increase in mycorrhizal colonization and partly due to the properties of the BMC.
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推开窗,把头枕在手臂上,跟时间一起流浪。半梦半醒中,淡蓝色的风,淡蓝色的依恋。  妈回家过年。  吃团圆饭,放烟火。厨房灶台飘出的诱人香味,升腾着的袅袅炊烟,一如既往。  初一晚。我捂着巨痛的肚子吐得一塌糊涂,也许是吃得太疯了吧!望着镜中烧成大红色的自己,我喃喃咒骂,表达着我有气无力的愤怒。就这样,在寒风料峭的冬夜里,我穿梭在卧室和厕所之间。  妈看到我时,就懵了。她紧紧地抱着我,用力地擦我脸上的