现今人们的健康意识越来越强,但是随着生活节奏加快,工作压力增大,对于大多数生活在城市里的人们而言,已很难抽出固定的时间进行锻炼。在这种的情况下,越来越多的人利用夜跑来锻炼身体和解压,夜跑已成为眼下最为时尚的一种健身方式。夜跑,顾名思义就是在夜晚进行健身跑,它还有一个非常时尚的英文名——Fun Run,从字面上理解,Fun Run就是“快乐、自由、无拘束的跑”。关于夜跑这一新兴的锻炼方式谈一些粗浅的看法。
People are getting healthier nowadays, but as the pace of life increases and work pressure increases, it has been very hard for the majority of people living in cities to take a fixed amount of time to exercise. In this situation, more and more people use night running to exercise and decompression, night running has become the most fashionable nowadays a way of fitness. Night run, as its name implies, is a fitness run at night, it also has a very fashionable English name - Run Run, literally, Fun Run is “happy, free and unconstrained run ”. On the night running this new training methods to talk about some superficial view.