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从8月底的开学高峰到国庆、中秋的双节来临,眼看着年底岁末、新年伊始,接踵而至的节假日是眼镜店家期盼中的一个个销售黄金期。如果按照20/80原则来看,一年的旺季大都是在节假日里产生的。也难怪节假日来临前,很多眼镜店老板开始挖空心思,采取花样繁多的促销手段来吸引顾客。说到底,门店的促销活动,从最初的策划、执行,再到最后的总结,店长都在其中起着至关重要的作用,这即将来临的节假日销售旺季也让他们爱恨交织。免不了的促销活动、离不开的促销手段,面对日益挑剔的顾客群,我们还能拿出什么新意与诚意,为自己带来商机、增长业绩?到底还该不该在节假日进行促销?如果需要,该如何打好这场精彩的节日促销战呢?如果放弃促销,又将如何保卫自家业绩不受周边店家促销活动的影响呢?一个个具体的难题摆在眼镜店长的面前,围绕这诸多的话题,本刊店长QQ群里展开了一系列热烈的讨论,大家各抒己见,分享经验。 From the peak of the beginning of August to the National Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, seeing the end of the year end of the year, the beginning of the new year, followed by the holiday of the optical shop is looking forward to one of the golden period of sales. If you follow the 20/80 principle, most of the year’s peak season is generated during the holidays. It is no wonder that before the holidays, many optical shopkeepers began to hollow themselves in, taking a variety of promotional tools to attract customers. After all, the store’s promotional activities, from the initial planning, implementation, and then to the final summary, the manager plays a vital role in which, the upcoming holiday sales season also let them love and hate. Inevitable promotions, can not do without promotions, the face of the increasingly critical customer base, we can also come up with what new ideas and sincerity, for their own business opportunities and growth performance? In the end should also be on the holidays for promotion? If Need, how to lay the wonderful festivals promotional war? If you give up the promotion, but also how to defend their own performance from the influence of peripheral stores promotions? A specific problem in front of glasses manager, around this A lot of topics, the magazine manager QQ group conducted a series of lively discussions, we all express our views and share experiences.