Enoxacin is a newly synthesized quinolone broad-spectrum antibiotic and has good anti-gonococcal activity in vitro. MICs for both 90% PPNG and non-PPNG strains were <0.06 μg / ml. This article reports a multicenter, randomized controlled study of gonorrhea and ceftriaxone for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea. Subjects were all adult patients over the age of 16 who were referred to the SID clinic in three U.S. states, including 119 males and 33 females. Men make urethral smears to find intracellular gram-negative diplococci; women make intracellular smegma-negative diphosphatids for cervical mucosal smear and have recently been gonococcal-positive for untreated or recently treated (within 14 days) Has been diagnosed with gonococcal infection have sex history. History suggests that history of sexual contact plus rectal and pharyngeal specimen culture, at the same time for Neisseria gonorrhoeae drug sensitivity test and chlamydia culture. Treatment