五四民主启蒙运动是近代中国民主进程中的一个里程碑。它以空前的规模、浩大的声势倡导和宣传了民主观念和思想 ,使整个中国的意识形态一度浸透了民主的色彩 ;它又突破和超越了清末以来中国人对民主的认识 ,着力凸现了“个性解放”和“民权政治”的民主内涵。同时 ,由于受制于中国的具体国情和民主启蒙运动代表人物的认识水平 ,五四民主启蒙运动又明显地存在着民主理论建构不足的缺憾
The May 4th Movement for Democratic Enlightenment is a milestone in the democratic process in modern China. With its unprecedented scale and vast momentum, it advocated and propagated the concept of democracy and thought, so that the entire Chinese ideology once soaked in the color of democracy; it also broke through and exceeded the Chinese people’s understanding of democracy since the late Qing Dynasty, Democracy “and” Civil Rights Politics ". At the same time, due to being subject to China’s specific national conditions and the level of awareness of the representatives of the democratic Enlightenment movement, the May Fourth Movement for Democracy and Enlightenment clearly posed the defects of the inadequate construction of democratic theory