企业在追求经济利益的同时,也需要实现其企业社会责任,关注员工身心需求以使企业永续经营。员工协助计划(Employee Assistance Programs,EAPs)已在欧美普遍发展,用以改善员工问题,积极促进员工发展。然而EAPs如何恰当地运用在华人社会,需要更多实务经验的积累与研究探讨的深入。本研究以社工实地参与一家在中国大陆的台商企业所提供的工厂领班同理心EAPs为研究对象,进行质性研究,分析EAPs对于改善职场中的工作问题以及满足员工内在需求的影响,促使企业发展人性化管理,并提出企业社工发挥专业技能,协助员工成长发展的建议。
Enterprises in the pursuit of economic interests, but also need to achieve their corporate social responsibility, pay attention to the physical and mental needs of employees in order to make the business sustainable. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have been widely developed in Europe and the United States to improve employee issues and actively promote employee development. However, how EAPs are properly applied to Chinese society requires more accumulation of practical experience and deeper research and discussion. In this study, social workers involved in the field of a Taiwanese firm in Mainland China provided foreigners empathy EAPs for the study, a qualitative study of EAPs to improve workplaces in the workplace and meet the internal needs of employees, prompted Enterprises to develop humane management, and put forward the social workers to play professional skills to help employees grow and develop recommendations.