Architectural Units and Groundwater Resource Quantity Evaluation of Cretaceous Sandstones in the Ord

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songjuan119004
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Sandstone is a common lithology in a number of groundwater reservoirs. Studying the skeleton sandstone architectural units, therefore, lays the basis for characterizing aquifer systems, groundwater quality, and resource evaluation. This comprehensive analysis of Cretaceous aquiferous sandstones in the Ordos basin, China, shows that there exists a basin-scale skeleton sandstone in the Luohe Formation which contains 11 isolated barrier beds, 12 small skeleton sandstone bodies in Huanhe Formation, and 3 in the Luohandong Formation. The spatial structure and superimposed relationship as well as the medium properties of these skeleton sandstones and isolated barrier beds can be shown by 3D visualization models. Simultaneously, resource quantity can be evaluated with the 3D inquiry functions. The comparison between property models and structural models indicates that the salinity of groundwater of the Luohe Formation has a close connection with the locations of isolated barrier beds that contain abundant gypsum. Through quantitative calculation, groundwater resource of the Cretaceous Luohe and Luohandong formations is estimated to be 1.6×10~(12) m~3, and the total groundwater resource of the Cretaceous system in the Ordos basin is more than 2×10~(12) m~3. Studying the skeleton sandstone architectural units, therefore, lays the basis for characterizing aquifer systems, groundwater quality, and resource evaluation. This comprehensive analysis of Cretaceous aquiferous sandstones in the Ordos basin, China, shows that there exists a basin-scale skeleton sandstone in the Luohe Formation which contains 11 isolated barrier beds, 12 small skeleton sandstone bodies in Huanhe Formation, and 3 in the Luohandong Formation. The spatial structure and superimposed relationship as well as the medium properties of These versus sandstone and barrier beds can be shown by 3D visualization models. Simultaneously, resource quantity can be evaluated with the 3D inquiry functions. The comparison between property models and structural models indicates that the salinity of groundwater of the Luohe Formation has a close connection with the locations of isolated barrier beds that con Through quantitative calculation, groundwater resource of the Cretaceous Luohe and Luohandong formations is estimated to be 1.6 × 10 ~ (12) m ~ 3, and the total groundwater resource of the Cretaceous system in the Ordos basin is more than 2 × 10 ~ (12) m ~ 3.
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