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王华,34岁,天津市农资总公司所属的田野科技开发总公司经理,同时又是国内贸易部化肥农药检测中心的工程师、副主任。 1979年,王华毕业于天津化工技校,1980年到农资总公司任化验员。一天,一位年近花甲的农民拿着一瓶杀虫剂来到实验室。他神情沮丧,双眼噙泪,断断续续地讲述了使用杀虫剂却使辛苦一年的庄稼颗粒无收的事。望着老人黑红的脸膛,王华心动了。化验后得知,那瓶杀虫剂中掺入了价格便宜的除草剂。年轻的王华被假劣农药与不法 Wang Hua, aged 34, is the manager of the Field Science and Technology Development Corporation, a subsidiary of Tianjin Agricultural Capital Corporation, and is also the engineer and deputy director of the Fertilizer and Pesticide Testing Center of the Ministry of Domestic Trade. In 1979, Wang Hua graduated from Tianjin Chemical Technology School, in 1980 to agricultural capital Corporation as laboratory technician. One day, a farmer who was near the peach came to the lab with a bottle of pesticide. He looked depressed, his eyes tearful, and he spoke intermittently about the use of insecticides to upset the hard-working grain crop. Looking at the black and red face of the elderly, Wang Hua heartbeat. After the test that the bottle of pesticides mixed with cheap herbicides. Young Wang Hua was counterfeit pesticides and illegal
见过李钟实之后,你也许会想,58岁是当医生的最佳年龄;少浮躁,有敬业精神,医术老到,让患者放心。 一次,一位患有尿毒症的重病人跑了多家医院,都说这病没法治了,最后,病人家属
17岁时,他用自己独到的设想赚了18000美元;19岁时,他创立了德尔电脑公司,头月的销售额即达18万美元;如今他的公司已在16个国家设有子公司,公司年收入超过20亿美元。 At the
本刊讯 近日,柳州市召开推进新时代师德师风建设工作视频会.柳州市人民政府副市长卢柳屏对做好该市师德师风建设工作提出要求:一要提高政治站位、把握政策精髓.通过强化教育
一个根艺作品,具有丰富的内涵,深邃的意境,才能引人入胜,使人回味无穷。现以图解的形式,谈一件根艺作品意境的深化。 A root art works, with rich connotation, deep mood
  本文沿艾比湖湖滨周长80 km范围,每隔20 km,在距湖岸8km的范围,设置博河、鸟岛、鸭子湾、东大桥、奎屯河5样地;在距湖滨鸟岛站处每隔5km、10km、15km、20km设置样地4个,于
Based on elliptic curve public key cryptosystem and with the help of ring signature,a traceable and anonymous authen-tication scheme is proposed.The security of