世界贸易组织成员方将于11月底开始世贸组织的新一轮贸易自由化谈判。日本和欧盟主张进行全面谈判,而不愿把谈判内容局限在农业和服务业领域,而美国打算把谈判议题的中心放在扩大进入市场机会上面,并希望早日实现贸易自由化。对于在发达国家主导下被迫开放市场,发展中国家抱有一定的警惕,因此各方面的立场存在明显差异。 “你们在完成世贸组织日中谈判时干得不错。”小渊首相在设宴慰问一些外务审议官等谈判团成员时如是说。外务、通产等有关省厅
WTO members will begin the WTO’s new round of trade liberalization negotiations at the end of November. Japan and the European Union advocated full negotiations, rather than restricting the content of the negotiations to the fields of agriculture and services. The United States intends to place the focus of the negotiations on expanding market opportunities, and hopes to realize trade liberalization as soon as possible. For the forced opening of the market under the leadership of the developed countries, developing countries have a certain degree of vigilance. Therefore, there are obvious differences in the positions of various parties. “You did a good job in completing the WTO-China negotiations,” said Prime Minister Obuchi during a dinner banquet to express condolences to members of the negotiators such as the foreign deliberation officers. Foreign affairs, production and other related provincial halls