8月18日,卢旺达选举委员会宣布总统选举结果,爱国阵线候选人、现任总统保罗卡加梅以93 08%的支持率成功连任。8月21日,澳大利亚举行议会选举。据统计,工党获72席、联盟党获73席,均未达到单独执政所需的76席,出现70余年来首个“悬峙议会”。经过协商,工党获得足够支持,以76席比74席的微弱优势获得组阁权。9月14日,工党党首朱莉娅·吉拉德宣誓就任总理。
On August 18, the Rwandan Election Commission announced the outcome of the presidential election. The candidate for NPO, incumbent President Paul Kagame, was re-elected with a support rate of 93.08%. August 21, Australia holds parliamentary election. According to statistics, the Labor Party won 72 seats, and the Coalition Party won 73 seats, all of which failed to meet the 76 seats required for the sole ruling party and the first one to appear in more than 70 years. After consultations, the Labor Party received enough support to gain a cabinet power with a marginal 76 seats over 74 seats. On September 14, Labor Party leader Julia Gillard was sworn in as prime minister.