伟大的无产阶级革命家周恩来同志,是一个一心为国、立志改革、从爱国主义者到共产主义者的光辉典范。在纪念周恩来诞辰95周年之际,我们学习周恩来、宣传周恩来,认真研讨周恩来从爱国主义者到共产主义者的成长道路,对于继承和发扬老一辈无产阶级革命家的革命传统,建设社会主义精神文明,特别是对于培育肩负新的历史重任的一代青年,有着重要的现实意义。1 周恩来祖籍浙江绍兴,1898年3月5日出生在江苏淮安县。12岁时,他随伯父到辽东,1913年在沈阳东关模范学校小学毕业,进入天津南开学校。他的童年少年时代,是中国社会进一步沦为半殖民地半封建社会时代,也是中国人民及其先进分子英勇反抗帝国主义侵略及其走狗——清朝政府,把中国社会推向前进的革命变革时代。民族危亡,山河破碎的严酷现实,中国仁人志士百折不挠的斗争精神,使周恩来幼小的心灵中,就滋长着爱国主义的思想萌芽。在东关模范学校里,有一次,魏校长向学生提出一个“读
Comrade Chou En-lai, a great proletarian revolutionary, is a shining example of one nation, determination to reform, and patriotism to communism. In commemoration of the 95th anniversary of Zhou Enlai’s birth, we study Zhou Enlai, promote Zhou Enlai, conscientiously study Zhou Enlai’s path of growth from a patriot to a communist, and work hard to carry forward and carry forward the revolutionary tradition of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation and to build a socialist spiritual civilization , Especially for the generation of a generation of young people shouldering the new historical responsibility, has an important practical significance. Zhou Enlai ancestral home in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, March 5, 1898 was born in Huai’an County, Jiangsu Province. At the age of 12, he went to Liaodong with his uncle. He graduated from Shenyang East Model School in 1913 and entered Tianjin Nankai School. His childhood and adolescence were the era in which Chinese society was further reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and the era of revolutionary change in which the Chinese people and their advanced elements bravely opposed the imperialist aggression and their lackeys - the Qing government and push forward Chinese society. The perilous reality that the nation is in danger of death and the mountains and rivers are broken, and the indomitable fighting spirit of the Chinese lofish ideals sprouting in the young mind of Zhou Enlai, sprout the idea of growing patriotism. In the East Model School, on one occasion, President Wei proposed to the students a "read