在当前服务器市场上,各个厂商都在大力宣扬其产品的优势,但作为用户来讲,应当冷静审视自身的需要以及投入产出比。对于一个企业来讲选择适应本企业需要、性能良好的 PC 服务器,是相当重要的。因为服务器承载着企业的核心应用,它直接决定着企业网络能否正常运转和稳定工作,所以,选择 PC 服务器时,首先应关注设备在高可用性、高可靠性、高稳定性、和高 IO 吞吐能力方面的作用,其次才是服务器在
In the current server market, various vendors are vigorously promoting the advantages of their products, but as a user, they should calmly review their own needs and input-output ratio. It is very important for a company to choose a PC server that meets the needs of the enterprise and performs well. Because the server hosts the core applications of the enterprise, it directly determines whether the enterprise network can operate normally and work stably. Therefore, when selecting a PC server, the first priority should be the device’s high availability, high reliability, high stability, and high IO throughput. The role of capacity, followed by the server