据《瞭望东方周刊》报道:非法收受贿赂677万余元的贵州原省委书记刘方仁于6月29日被判无期徒刑后,忏悔地说:“原来我作为一个省委书记,以为什么都懂,但通过这次法庭审理我才发现,我其实是个法盲。我现在非常懊悔。在民主法治国家,省委书记不懂法,这是很大的问题……”“如果我还有下辈子的话,我一定选择学法律……”说实话,这是一段既可笑又令人痛心的忏悔! 笔者认为,一个堂堂的省委书记,在沦为阶下囚后,才感觉到法律的可贵,这
According to “Outlook Oriental Weekly” reported: illegally bribing 677 million yuan of Guizhou’s former provincial party secretary Liu Fangren was sentenced to life imprisonment on June 29, repentantly said: “So I as a provincial party secretary, why do Understand, but I found out through this court hearing, I am actually a legal blindness .I am now very regrettable .In a democratic country of law, the provincial party secretary does not understand the law, this is a big problem ...... ”“ If I still have The next life, I must choose to learn the law ... ... ”To be honest, this is a ridiculous and painful repentance! I believe that a dignified provincial party secretary, after becoming a prisoner, only to feel the law valuable, This