钵衣山遗址位于杭州市余杭区良渚镇安溪村(原余杭市安溪镇)北约1公里,在天目山余脉东山的南侧坡地,海拔12~15米,由北往南倾斜。遗址位于良渚遗址群的北部,往东约600米是瑶山遗址(图一)。 1989年9~10月,浙江省文物考古研究所对遗址进行了抢救性发掘。共布东西向探沟5条,长30、宽2米,探沟之间留2米隔
Bowl Yi Shan site is located in Hangzhou Yuhang District Liangzhu Town, Anxi Village (formerly Yuhang City, Anxi Town) about 1 km north of the East Mountain in the Tianmu Mountain Dongshan south slope of 12 to 15 meters above sea level, from north to south tilt. The site is located in the Liangzhu ruins north of the group, about 600 meters east is the site of the Yao Mountain (Figure 1). From September to October 1989, the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology of Zhejiang Province conducted a salvage excavation of the site. A total of East-West probe trench 5, length 30, width 2 meters, between the trench to stay 2 meters apart