云南青年画家马小力,抱着上百幅被人称为“冷抒情”的画作,于烈日炎炎中闯入京城。7月8日至15日,他的个人画展在中国美术馆举行。 于马小力,曾闻其名,素未谋面,这回连画作一并相见,感觉“反差很大”。人长得粗壮,浓眉大眼,可说起话来低声轻语;作的画也多阴柔——有不少虽表现秋风、严霜、高山、大河,抑或人的壮志豪情,形式却多是飘逸与流动的美,少有那种斩钉截铁、顶天立地似的凝固感。
Yunnan young painter Ma Xiaoli, holding hundreds of paintings known as “lyrical”, broke into the capital in the hot sun. From July 8 to July 15, his solo exhibition was held at the China Art Museum. Ma Xiaoli, once heard the name, has never met, this time with the painting together, I feel “a great contrast.” People grow thick, thick eyebrows, can speak softly whispered; made of paintings are more feminine - there are many although the performance of the autumn wind, frost, mountains, rivers, or the aspirations of the people, the form is more Is elegant and flowing beauty, there is little that kind of categorical, topless solidified feeling.